Dinosaur Poems
What if...
You opened a book
About dinosaurs
And one stumbled out
And another and another
And more and more pour
Until the whole place
Is bumbling and rumbling
And groaning and moaning
And snoring and roaring
And dinosauring?
What if...
You tried to push them
Back inside
But, they kept tromping
Off the pages instead?
Would you close the covers?
Isabel Joshlin Glaser
(Sing to the tune of Yankee
Allosaurus liked to bite,
It's teeth were sharp as
It frequently with great
Made mincemeat of its
Allosaurus liked to hunt
And when it caught its
It tore it open, back and
And never said , "I'm
Allosaurus liked to eat
And using teeth and talons
It stuffed itself with tons
of meat,
And guzzled blood by
Allosaurus liked to munch,
And kept from growing
By gnawing an enormous lunch,
then rushing off to dinner.
Tyrannosaurus Tex and Other
Deep in the land of the
One "cowboy" stands
out from the rest.
Tyrannosaurus Tex, he's
At twirling a rope he's the
Brontotourist tours the
By boat, by train, by car,
But the sights she sees
right here at home
Are the craziest ones by
The Iguanodontist put on your
Then she says with such good
"Don't worry about your
looks today,
Think how great you'll look
next year!"
Steakosaurus grills all
There's nothing that he'd rather
Burgers or chicken or sizzling
He's king of the barbecue!
Triceracops roars down the
Searching for speeders to chase,
He zooms in and out of the
Giving tickets all over the
Superstarus rocks and
She plays the whole night
But when her band gets really
She forgets the words to her
Robert Byrd
I'd never dine on dinosaurs.
They can't be good to eat.
For all they have are lots of
And not a bit of meat.
Dinosaurs lived so long ago.
They never had a chance to
How many kids would love to
A dinosaur to be their pet.
Dinosaur Names
If the dinosaurs had such
peanut-sized brains,
why were they given such
difficult names?
Why not Beak Mouth or Bonehead
or Horny or Chops,
instead of a mouthful like
And as sure as the winged
Archaeopteryx flew,
a much simpler name like Fly
Guy would o.
If dinosaurs knew that
their names were so tough,
they'd turn in their graves
and cause earthquakes and stuff!
Why not Spiny or Spike for our
friend Stegosaurus?
And Stretch seems to work for
the long Brontosaurus,
Their names should be simple
and bold and distinct--
I wish that long dinosaur
names were extinct!
Holly Davis
My Family of Dinosaurs
My sister, finkasaurus,
is a tattletaling shrew.
My brother, slobasaurus,
doesn't quite know how to
My mother, rushasaurus,
finds it hard to be on time.
My father, cheapasaurus,
never spends an extra dime.
Our doggy, barkasaurus,
keeps the neighbors up at
Our kitty, scratchasaurus,
gouges everything in sight.
And then there's angelsaurus--
who, you might have guessed,
is me--
the only one who's perfect
in this crazy family.
Helen Ksypka
Song (tune:Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star) Apatosaurus
walked on land, Laid her eggs in nests of sand, Ate
the plants and leaves from trees, A school bus came up to her
knees. Apatosaurus great and grand, Was the
giant of the land. Compsognathus,
little one, Big guys ate him just for fun. Quick
as lightning he would race, So they couldn't get a taste.
Then for hiding he would run, He thought that was lots
of fun!
Dinosaur The dinosaur, The
dinosaur Was once But isn't Anymore.
If I were, You must agree,
Then you And I Just wouldn't be.
I confess It's much more
pleasant To know That he's The
one who isn't.
I'm Glad I'm Living Now, Not Then! When
earth was yet a little child Dinosaurs lived free and wild.
Some as big as spacious homes, Some as small as tiny
gnomes. A few had wings to fly the skies With
giant beaks and searching eyes. Harboring murder in their
breasts They stole the fledglings from their nests. One
giant breed lived deep within Dark waters with its kindly kin.
Still others wandered mean and bold And ate each other,
I've been told. I know what might or must have been- I'm
glad I'm living now, not then!
M. Fisher
The Museum Door
Lee Bennett Hopkins What's behind the museum door?
Ancient necklaces, African art,
The armor of knights, A peasant cart;
Priceless old coins, A king's golden throne, Mummies
in linen, And a dinosaur bone.
Dinosaurs Dinosaurs Do
not count, Because They are all Dead;
None of us Saw them, dogs
Do not even Know that They were there-
But they Still walk Around
heavily In everybody's Head.
Unfortunately Dinosaurs lived so long ago
they never had a chance to know how many kids would
love to get a dinosaur to be their pet!
Dino at the Dentist? Most dinosaurs were
plant-eaters. Others stuck to meats. Young
dinosaurs were not allowed, Sweet and gooey treats.
Why, a Duckbill had 2000 teeth, Or maybe even more.
To floss and brush them every day, Would be an awesome
chore. Young Tyrannosaurus, Had
teeth 16 centimeters tall. He could never find a toothbrush,
That wasn't far too small. And
can you imagine, How such a beast would roar, It
he ever had a toothache, That made a dino-sore!
S. Junge
The dinosaur, A beast of yore, Doesn't
live here Any more.
Tyrannosaurus Tex and Other Sillysaurs Deep
in the land of the cactus, One "cowboy" stands out
from the rest. Tyrannosaurus Tex, he's called At
twirling a rope he's the best! Brontotourist
tours the world, By boat, by train, by car, But
the sights she sees right here at home Are the craziest ones by
Iguanodontist put on your braces, Then she says with such good
cheer, "Don't worry about your looks today, Think
how great you'll look next year!"
grills all day, There's nothing that he'd rather do, Burgers
or chicken or sizzling steaks, He's king of the barbecue!
roars down the highway, Searching for speeders to chase,
He zooms in and out of the traffic, Giving tickets all
over the place!
rocks and rolls, She plays the whole night long, But
when her band gets really loud, She forgets the words to her
Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus king of the
reptiles, Teeth sharp like steak knives, Fights
all to live or die. Tyrannosaurus he had a tiny brain,
But as the king he reigned, By making the others lame.
Tyrannosaurus he was a great big guy, Ferocious and
feared by all, Though his arms were very small. Tyrannosaurus
walked like a waddling duck, Moved a little slow, and but,
You could escape if you had luck. Tyrannosaurus
king of the reptiles, Teeth sharp like steak knives, Fights
all to live or die.
Iguanodon See the dinosaur, see the Iguanodon,
It has "human hands" and a spike for a thumb. It
was very mean, but oh, not so dumb. See the dinosaur, see
the Iguanodon, It was very well-known as a family creature,
Lived in family clans, an unusual feature.
Thirty tons and a very large creature, Big as five
elephants, he'd like to meet you. Eats a thousand pounds of
plants most every day, That's a lot of food, most people say.
Brontosaurus, one of the largest dinosaurs, That ever
lived on the land before. They were very big and as gentle as
can be, They're the kind of dinosaur you would like to meet.
Allosaurus Allosaurus running very fast,
Running, running like the day won't last. Allosaurus
eating very fast, Eating meat like the day won't last.
Allosaurus biting very fast, Biting with sharp teeth
like the day won't last. Allosaurus shaking little hands so
fast, Shaking little hands like the day won't last.
I'm a Stegosaurus and oh my, I'm quite a sight, I have
bony plates upon my back so I can fight. My plates, they help
protect me and give creatures quite a fright, I eat lots of
trees and flowers to soothe my appetite. I'm Stegosaurus, but
gee whiz, I'm pretty nice.
Tri, Tri- cer-a-tops (tune: Home on the Range)
Oh, give me a nose, Not for smelling a rose, But
with three horns like a Triceratops. I know "tri", it
means three And I'll sing out with glee, As I
use horns for plowing my crops. Tri, tri-cer-a-tops With
a nose not for smelling a rose. I know "tri", it
means three And I'll sing out with glee, As I
use horns for plowing my crops