Each year thousands of people die in home fires and tens of thousands are injured. There are many ways we can reduce this awful toll of home fires, but everyone of these ways starts with understanding of the hazards that create fires and safe behaviors that can prevent fires or protect us if a fire occurs.
Remember: Let's Team Up!
If you are on fire: STOP, DROP, AND ROLL!
Always remember during a fire you have an important job to do. Get out and stay out!!
What is your job? Let's say that together. Get out and stay out!!
Very good, boys and girls.
Do you know what those words, get out and stay out mean? Discuss this with your teacher and then read on.
Firstly, know the sound of the smoke detector and what to do when it sounds. Batteries must be changed twice a year. Do it when Daylight Saving Time changes. (October, and April)
Develop a family escape plan. (E.D.I.T.H.) Practice it a couple of times a year. In school we practice our Fire Drills more than that!
Once you are out of the home,
STAY OUT! No one should
ever have to go back to a burning home, for any reason. Have a meeting
place and remember to go there. Never call the Fire Department from your
home. Always call from a neighbors.
Fire safety is the key to saving your life. Read on for more details about Fire Safety.