the Waterbug
by Gregg Barrett, Lisa Matsumoto (Winner)
Mutual Publishing (2000)
& Seek in Hawai’i: A Picture Game for Keiki
by Jane Hopkins (Award of Merit)
Mutual Publishing (2000)
had a Dollar in Hawai’i
Jodi Endicott (Honorable Mention)
Palili Books (2000)
From the Mountains to the Sea: Early Hawaiian Life
by Julie Stewart, illustrated by Robin Yoko Racoma
Kamehameha Schools Press. (1997)
Moki and the Magic Surfboard
by Bruce Hale
Words & Pictures Publishing. (1997)
The Musubi Man
by Sandi Takiyama, illustrated by Pat Hall
Bess Press. (1997)
Hawaii Sings
by Joy Au, illustrated by Doug Po'oloa Tolentino
Mutual Publishing (1996)
Ke Nui A'e Au
by Keiki Chang Kawai'ae'a
'Aha Punana Leo (1996)
How The B-52 Cockroach Learned to Fly
by Lisa Matsumoto
Lehua Inc. (1996)
The Law of the Splintered Paddle
by Carol Chang and Dietrich Varez
Hawaii Legal Auxiliary (1995)
The Living Treasures of the Hawaiian Islands
by Stacey Kaopuiki
Hawaiian Island Concepts (1995)
The Hawaiian Monk Seal by Patrick Ching
University of Hawaii Press (1995)
Honu by Marion Coste
University of Hawaii Press (1995)
by Peter Galuteria and Robin Yoko Burningham
Kamehameha Schools Press (1995)
Angel Of Rainbow Gulch
by Helen M. Swanson
Bess Press (1994)
Keiki's First Books
by Maile And Wren
Bess Press (1994)
Sand To Sea - Marine Life Of Hawaii
by Stephanie Feeney and Ann Fielding
University Of Hawaii Press (1994)
Surf Gecko To The Rescue
by Bruce Hale
GeckoStufs, Inc. (1994)
To Find The Way
by Susan Nunes
Curriculum Research And Development (Linda K. Merton) (1994)