To The Ocean




Susan Stein

The tide recedes but leaves behind bright seashells on the sand....
The sun goes down but gentle warmth still lingers on the land....
The music stops and yet, echoes on a sweet refrain....
For every joy that passes, something beautiful remains....

~Author Unknown~


For Teachers:


Click on the links box.

Treasures @Sea-Exploring the Ocean through Literature

Ocean Ideas For Teachers


 If you are planning an ocean unit this year, do consider using these diorama instructions as a wrap up activity. The children can work on them at school or at home, incorporating the lessons they have learned and focusing on one element if preferred, such as a dolphin or penguin habitat. 


Children are enchanted with sharks, and here they can find several pages to print out with factoids about all kinds of sharks.


With the templates provided and a few extra materials, students will explore and create their very own animal "wrappers".



Kids-Just For You*






Under the sea

Ocean Poetry

Ocean Books to Explore

Sea Animal Links

These are all links to so many different sites on the web.  They are very interesting to read and explore.  Remember to do so with an adult helper. Stay on task.

Aquatic safari                                  Secrets of the Ocean Realm

The Ocean World Of Wyland Life In the Ocean

  Oceans Alive  Puffy The Puffer's  Book of Fish Facts   

 25 Things You Can Do To Save The Coral Reef                    

 Be Safe Around Water - from the Coast Guard: visit

          Coastie for water safety

Student's Sea of Knowledge            

      Our Aquarium- A site made by kids.   Just click on the picture to learn more by reading their reports.


As of April 29, 2001